English Moutonking lovers

This is a clan for English members of Moutonking
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welcome one and all!

I am changeing our topic on the main forum to be more decriptive of us. I am also putting the information here. If you wish to comment on it you may do so in the opinions on changes section

Clan Story and History:

The wolves live on the edges of the kingdom, constantly watching the sheep as they study their magic and fighting. All the sheep hope that one day they will be strong enough to rise up against the wolves that keep them trapped in their kingdom. Throughout the kingdom rumors spread, as the sheep told the stories of those that strayed too far from their shepherds, and never returned.

In the forest the wolves sat debating on what to do about the defiant sheep.

A young wolf chimed in “I think we should strike now while they are still weak, and show them who’s boss!”

The leader replied, “no, no my dear, there is no glory in an easy victory. They will never be strong enough to beat us in a fight. What we must do young one, is to keep their fear alive. Their own fear shall beat them where they stand. When you see them walking defiantly across the meadows, howl at them, and ice the blood in their veins.”

The leader grinned to all of his members. The older ones understood, and simply nodded.

One of the young wolves chimed in “How can we possibly beat them by just making them fear us??? They learn magic and strengthen themselves everyday! They mock us! They have no respect for us! We must teach them who’s boss!”

“Little one you still do not understand I shall show you where our power comes from.”

“Wow, really?” the young wolf said.

“Yes, now follow me”

The leader turned and walked toward the edge of the forest, with the young one close behind. They stopped at The edge of the forest and gazed down on a shepherd with their flock. The leader let out a bone chilling howl.

“What do you see happening there young one?”

“Um…. The sheep all moved closer to their shepherd?”

“Yes young one… so as you see when the sheep fear us they seek the comfort of their shepherds. The shepherds are also the ones training them to be strong, and to practice magic.”

“But I don’t get it? How does them turning to their shepherds help us?”

The leader grinned at the young sheep and said “Because we are the shepherds, and have always have been.”

The young wolf looked confused for a moment and looked again upon the flock… the shepherd’s voice echoed across the field, and the young one said, “That’s My brothers voice!?”

The leader nodded and smiled, and everything was suddenly clear to the young wolf……..


There are several packs in our clan, each limited to a maximum of 10 members, and each pack has its own rank system within it. Each pack has its own set of secrets, kept from everyone else in the clan, including other packs. those without a pack are either diplomats, or lone wolves, they do not have access to any secrets.


Our main objective is to be there for each other, when you join a pack, that pack becomes your family. each pack has its own objectives and alignment, scaling from laid back blue flower munchers to fierce mushroomers.

To Join us:

Anyone may be a registered member or diplomat here, but to join a pack you must first give me your general application, and then be accepted into a pack by its leaders.

Check out the wolf howl everyone lol i'm going to change it to something better when i find a better host site

we will be at risk of being attacked from now on, so everyone is mandated to keep their sheep immunized. The time has come for us to grow out of our baby stage and to become a real clan. we will now be at risk of recieving shrooms all the time now. please heed this advice. it is for your own protection.

I am currently accepting images for the clan image slideshow. please only submit images taken by you, and that belong to you. DO NOT include pictures of yourself. Pet pictures are perfectly fine :D as well as any non-specific shots taken by you that you love. (i will preview them all for content before adding them. if there is a problem i will let you know.) Please PM me with the direct links to the images you want added.

New Forum Features! as some of you may have noticed we have some new forum features. there is a calender now, and an option asking for your birthday. (please put the right date, even if you don't want to put the right year, this way we can all say happy birthday!



Tempeste, has now been named the second Administrator for this site. She has all of the same administrative powers that i do.

There has been an increase in spam lately, currently i'm cleaning it up, I'm sorry everyone, and as such, only registered users may post from now on.

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Welcome to the English Clan.

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Mon 5 Mar - 11:00
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The English Clan Newspaper!

Enjoy our new newspaper! (we are currently looking for journalists! please PM me if interested :) )
11Issue 1 Released...
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